Rewind and Forward!

Yet another year is coming to an end. Some made history, some tied knots, lived fond memories, had few tragic losses, many went missing, some lost relationships and some memorable conversations, few of these memories will be cherished but most will fade away in time.
Life isn't a task to live routines and pass by, nor it always has happy endings like a fairy-tale. Our paths may have been filled with unanswered prayers, broken hearts and shattered dreams but still raising up, trying to find our way back is when we discover the meaning to life, our sole purpose. Don’t rush to the ending, live life today. Be yourself, never compromise, let go of the past, help others, love everyone, conquer your fears, express yourself, fall in love, travel endlessly, be thankful & forgiving, make new friends, read books, enjoy music and create an endless trail of memories to cherish.
And to those who aspire in making a difference, trying to change your life around, searching for an answer, chasing your dream, hardships and bitter endings may seem never ending but having hope that someday things will change for the better, here is a New year for us to try harder. Never give up.
Work harder, dream bigger, pray often, wear a smile.
Be humble! Be human!
Happy New Year! :)


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