Love and be loved!

Everyone has a love story, some even more than one. Not all love stories end well, some even tragic. But I believe everyone has a story to say, be it good or bad.

It's always magical when one sees that special someone for the first time, that someone who changes their lives, someone whose name brings a smile across their face. Love, it's left unexpressed by most, many are left with broken hearts but a few are made for each other. No matter how it ends, we always care for that person and we take that extra step to make them happy. No matter where our lives takes us, these memories will always bring a smile, it might be painful at times but I guess it's what makes us who we are today. Most love stories aren't successful but the ones which fail are usually the most truthful ones. My first love story had a miserable ending but I found a beautiful friend at the end of that road.

Love is pure, love is beautiful and love is never ending. Don’t ever stop loving because you’re hurt, cause someday everyone eventually finds that special someone.

Love and be loved.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Hey, wonderfully said :)
    Happy Valentine's Day in advance! :D

  2. Right said. You have told every ones feelng put in one frame. Happy valentine's day in advane la. Keep smiling.

  3. So true....
    Vry nice....simply superb....

  4. Nice..

    "No matter where our lives takes us, these memories will always bring a smile, it might be painful at times but I guess it's what makes us who we are today."

    Beautifully put.. It does become a part of us..


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