To a New way of life!

We've all done things in the past that we regret, mistakes that we wish we had not committed, some accidental, some purposeful, some forgivable & some not. But in life there is no "Pause". May be its too late to change what we've already done, but it's not too late to change Who we are, How we live & What we do. We can make a difference in another person's life, a difference to our society & be the change we want to be and make this life worth it while we're still alive. These changes can be small like being more generous & loving to people, being more dedicated & sincere at what we do, be more forgiving & less hateful to others and at the least trying not to hurt others. These small changes we make can lead to a new way of life.

Be happy, spread smiles!

Be humble, be human!

Happy 2013! 


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