
Showing posts from August, 2013

Making way for better things!

It's always hard to let go of certain things in our lives. These certain things hold us back and stop us from moving on and being happy. It may be a gift from that special someone from your past, it may be those unfulfilled desires like an untold love, or even an unexpressed sadness within us from losing something or someone precious. We get so attached to someone so soon in our lives that it hurts when they walk away without a reason, or even when we lose something dear to us like pet dog or any other object. It may also be a memory from a broken relationship which is holding you back even when someone better comes along with more love. It's always beautiful to hold on to the happy memories from your past, but when these memories become a hurdle for one's happiness we need to let go. It may be tough at times, but when we find a positive note and a reason to strive and find new happiness in something else, we need let go and make way for these ...

Change is good!

As a child everyone has a dream. But as we grow up everything crumbles down to ashes. At some point in life we want to change whatever we are doing and try to go out there and do what we are passionate about and follow our dreams. But in reality most people think of doing it but are scared to face this change as they are convinced that they won't be able to do it and dwell in their misery. It's like watching a movie with a good moral behind it and for the next three days we try to change our lives according to it but then we forget and go back to our own miserable lives. Many a times we say we want to change everything about us and everything around us, but just like politicians, we also just say it but we don't do it. So stop convincing yourself that life is perfect the way it is cause the day will come that you will realize that you have lived someone else's life and forgotten everything about your dream and that day you will regret this life you have led so far. I...